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About Ayurvedic Cleansing

An ayurvedic cleanse is a digestive reset that is suggested twice a year. During the cleanse you will be resetting your digestive system by eating foods that are specific to the season and the qualities of the season.


This is a cleanse of reducing the foods that do not support you and encouraging the seasonal foods that are best for you in the current season. This also includes eating at the same time each day, having 3 meals a day, making lunch your largest meal and eating mindfully.



What you are working toward is easier digestion, less bloating and congestion, less fatigue and over-all physical and mental support. Beginning this way will be a good start on your journey to wellness and digestive health.


How to start:

  • Take a good look at what the earth is giving us in terms of foods. What vegetables and fruits to you notice that are abundant right now? These are the foods you want to include in your diet right now. You might even want to search up the foods that are local to your area and see if you can get those items at your farmers market or your local grocery store. 

  • Lets look at spices. Spices not only make your food taste great, but they are also very good for digestion. There are specific spice mixes or churnas, that are better for certain seasons. One churna you can use all year is turmeric, cumin, coriander, fennel, pink salt, black pepper. 

  • If it is late fall-winter in your area you can use sunflower oil. If it is summer try coconut oil and if it is spring try olive oil.​In terms of grains, Ayurveda does not say to go without carbs. So, you want to include a grain of choice like basmati rice and make that a 1/4 of your plate. 

  • And now for the protein. During the late fall and winter months you can include protein that is heavier and contains more oils like salmon and beef if that is what you prefer. In the spring and summer you want protein that is lighter and less oily.


So, now we come to your reset routine. This is a routine you can use for a 1-3 days.


6:00am: Warm water with lemon and/or green tea

8 am: Breakfast-Kitchari or stewed apples

11:00am: Broth

Noon: Lunch-Kitchari with veggies

1:00pm: Detox tea/CCF tea

4:00pm: Broth

5:00pm Dinner-Soup with veggies

7:00pm: Detox tea/CCF tea






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